Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Daily Kabbalah Tune Up

"To Do or Not To Do"

"It is not what we do that causes us to suffer; it is the disconnection between what we do and what we should do.Today, get going on one thing you know you need to do in order to be happy but haven't done due to procrastination."

by Yeshuda Berg

Monday, November 14, 2011

Daily Kabbalah Tune Up

November 14, 2011

"Gates of Your Dreams"

“When you tune people out, the Creator tunes your prayers out. Today, empathize with people. See them in you. Create this much opening of your heart and the gates of your dreams will open this much wider for you."

by Yeshuda Berg

Daily Kabbalah Tune Up

November 11, 2011

"As children we learn to "keep score." When someone hits us, we hit right back. And when we don't, we keep a running tally of punches owed. As adults, we're no different. It's our nature to hold on to the slights. But keeping score is unkabbalistic because it's not up to us to dole out rewards and punishments. It's up to the Light. We have a limited time in this world. Why waste it hording hatred and resentment? The lesson for today is simple: Let it go. When you find yourself stuck in anger, practice thinking or saying, ‘Next. Next. Next’. It's a powerful four-letter word and a lot nicer than some others I can think of."

by Yeshuda Berg

Daily Kabbalah Tune Up

November 10th, 2011 DKTU

"Burn Out"

“Some relationships feed us and make us better people and others just drain us. It is obvious why we maintain the good ones, but why do we hold onto bad friends, lovers, and relatives? Guilt? Fear of being alone? Thoughts that one day we'll get something from these people? Afraid of hurting them? Forget it. If an emotional tie is no longer serving you, than it's no longer serving you. Think of it this way - relationships are like bon fires they require constant oxygen and firewood (i.e. love and attention.) When we keep a bunch of fires burning because we are afraid to let them die out, (I'll call you soon, we really have to get together) it just sucks up our life force. There's only so much fuel we can give out all at one time. Imagine if you could pour all of your love, compassion and oxygen into the ones that you are absolutely committed to (or would like to be committed to)? It's a big risk to let those little fires burn out. But the benefit is that it frees up your energy to devote to building up other fires that do serve you. As you're reading this, what person is flashing through your mind? Maybe it's time to let that fire burn out."

By Yeshuda Berg

Daily Kabbalah Tune Up

November 9th, 2011 DKTU

"How Low Can You Go?"

“We all fall back, spiritually-speaking, from time to time. It's important to acknowledge where we messed up, but it's equally important to continue onwards. Too many of us get down on ourselves and give up all together. The great kabbalist Rav Nachman said when he fell from the spiritual level he had attained, he did not feel depressed. He would just begin anew, as if he had never before on the spiritual path. Sometimes he would have to begin anew several times in one day. He also said that through depression and sadness a man can forget who and what he really is because his true essence is wrapped by so many layers of sadness. Therefore it is necessary to fight to be in a state of joy - no matter how low you have gone. Restart your Kabbalah practice as if today were your first day. Forget about where you should be, or what you shouldn't be doing. Just smile, be happy and know that your joy is like a restart button on the game of your life."

by Yeshuda Berg

Daily Kabbalah Tune Up

November 6th, 2011 DKTU

"Make Yourself Happy"

“What do our hearts truly desire? It would be safe to say that the primary objective of our desire is uninterrupted happiness, although happiness may mean something different to each person. What does happiness mean to you? What will make you happy today?"

By Yeshuda Berg