Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New vs. Old

What's new?

It's been a while since I last posted something on my blog.
Today I decided to get back to the habit of writing and reading, for that matter.
Last time I wrote something, wasn't too long ago. I wrote a letter to a dear friend, while expressing my friendship to him.
One thing my parents taught me very well (I must say), is for me to be open and not be afraid to speak up or express my feelings. When I like something or someone I am not afraid to let it be known. Same thing goes for when I dislike something. I am very passionate about Human Rights and Justice for all; therefore, when I see a violation of any sort, I am not afraid to voice my opinion.

It's the new year and I am ready to embrace the changes it will provide and embark in this journey called Life, with open arms. I want to remind myself of my goals and dreams.
I can't forget of my past achievements, thanks to all the successes and failures, today I am standing where God wants me to be.

Let the challenges begin!