Monday, October 31, 2011

The Daily Kabbalah Tune Up

"Figure It Out"

Over the years, students come to me with their dilemmas, wanting to know what I think? Many times, I've answer, 'I don't have an opinion', 'What do you think?"'You don't have an opinion?''Of course I do. The Gemini in me has loads of opinions. But my opinions are not as important as your own.We all get in the habit of running to our teachers, doctors, lawyers, parents, etc. for help, and it sucks our energy. We don't need to be running to people every time we have a question.The Rav always taught me that asking questions and engaging life is how we connect. Knowledge is everything. Pursuing questions and figuring things out is how we connect our 1 percent lives to the 99 percent. Consciousness is the bridge.When we sacrifice our free will for the sake of listening to others, we are severing our link to the spiritual side of life.
Today, I'm not telling you what I think you need to do. You figure it out.

by Yeshuda Berg

" is more probable that the unplanned, or what we call random occurrences, are greater opportunities for connecting and revealing..."- Yeshuda Berg
Good morning world,

Beginning today, I will start posting Daily Kabbalah Tune Up, by the bestselling author and luminary authority on Kabbalah, Yeshuda Berg. He is part of a long line of Kabbalistic masters and the of Rav and Karen Berg.
I get Daily KabbalahTunes Up, as my "Destined Daily Message", which brings me personalized, random, wisdom out of thousands of spiritual Kabbalistic messages, written by Yeshuda Berg.
Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an eternal and mysterious Creator and the mortal and finite universe (His creation).

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011



Seja bendita, coisas k n ca sabe
Lugares k nunca n bai
Kes gostos k nunca n prova
Nhas verdes k ainda ca ta madur
Espacos k ainda n tita procura
Kes amores k nunca n encontra
Seja bendita coisas k nao sejam benditas
Vida eh curto
Ma enquanto el ta dura
N pode num minut ou mas
Dob bijim pa sempre, amor ca ta minti, nao
el ta conta mintira
Futur bedj, desconhecido pa relogio
Tempo ta escorre na um pisca d oi
E el ta dura mut alem d nos sonhos mais puros
Bem eh ca sabe o quanto nha vida ta dura
Ou se n ta estod li na futuro primavera
N pode brinca de eternidade grinhasim
Sem culpa nenhum.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

N ta acredita,
Sonho eh dmeu,
N ta acredita,
N ta continua ta acredita,
Mas um vez, n ta acredita!
N ca para um segundo de acredita,
Pamo tudo k eh vivo,
ta vibra
ta brilha.
I believe,
The dream is mine.
I believe,
I keep on believing,
Once again, I believe.
I don't stop believing for a second,
Because all that is alive,

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I Was Poetry Before All.

Eu fui poesia
antes de tudo.

Complex Simplicity

Simplicity is genius.

Simple as breathing,
with no more effort or glory, without effect
or shame.

Simplicity as a virtue that in addition to existence.
The very existence,that adds nothing
nor wealth or anything.
no wealth or something.

Simplicity is freedom, lightness and transparency.

Simple as air, free as air
Don't be too serious, or dramatic.
I followed my merry way, light-hearted,
my soul in peace, without purpose, without nostalgia, without impatience.

The world, my kingdom is enough for me.
This is eternity, which is the height.

There's nothing to prove, once it's not there,
or no where to look, because everything is simply there.

What could be simpler than simplicity?
What's lighter?
The virtue of wisdom, and wisdom of the saints.

Simplicity is a progress,
simplicity is complex.

Since I haven't posted in a while, tonight I'm taking time to do what I love. As always, my posts aren't just about things I write, but also quotes I like and music I love. I'm just here to share a little bit of what I experience in life. Hope you enjoy reading my posts, as much as I enjoy writing/posting them.

This, just in while talking to a friend, "if I'm not at peace with myself, who else would I be at peace with!?"

Feel first, think after
Forgive first, judge after
Love first, educate after
Forget first, learn after

Liberate first, teach after
Eat first, sing after

Own first, consider after
Act first, then judge

Browse first, then contribute.
But above all,
Live first, die later.

Mário Quintana, Brazilian Writer
Translated by me S.

"Nada do que é grande surge repentinamente, nem mesmo a uva, nem os figos. Se agora me disseres: Quero um figo, respondo-te: É preciso tempo. Antes de tudo, deixa virem as flores, depois que se desenvolvam os frutos e que amadureçam."

(filosofo Epiteto)