Saturday, July 31, 2010

You, CAN Do Something!!!!!!

Taking care of our environment, our planet, and our home is everyone's responsibility; surely everybody knows about it. I believe that people have a little hard time, in knowing where they can participate in this game. Many years go by and we become so blinded about how things function and how they're made, that we think everything is really far from us and it is only founded in big corporations. But that is not true! The truth is, that YES each person can change something in this planet. Little actions by small number of people, can change what the big corporations are producing. Have you ever thought about that? If little by little, everyone stopped using McDonald's, what will happen? Then, the company would either go out of business, or it would have to rethink about its concepts, right? Just so you know, 'we the people' have a lot of power in our hands!!! And just to help those that knows little about where to start helping the planet in this GO GREEN progress, here are some tips:
*Close the tap when brushing the teeth and economize 9.2 gallons [gl] or 34,5liters [ l ] of water per day. (It seems craziness, but I know people that don't close the tap!)
*Buy less food. 1/3 of everything that you buy goes to garbage.
*Don't throw cooking oil in the toilet (I've heard of people doing such). 34 ounces (1l) of oil pollutes more than 6,604gl (25,000 l) of water. (If you don't know what it is to pollute more than 6,604gl of whater, think of the $14,176.36 USD you are losing every year!)
*Flashing the toilet, at least one less time a day, can economize up to 3.7gl (14l) of water.
*Reduce the time showering: 5 minutes less, already economizes 12gl (45l) in each bath taken (that goes out to me, desculpa :/ ....)
*Wash the car once a month, and economize 137.37gl (520l) of water.
*Turn off the light. Wasted energy makes a spending of $600 BI a year in the US (in the US alone!)
*Opt to work at home. Economize 16 to 23 kilowatts/hour of electricity 1.37gl (5,2l) of gas per day.
*Use you bicycle once a week. If 30 people in each state did this, that would be 104 tons of CO2 less in the air a year. (Let's face it, it is way cooler biking!!!!!)

Hunf, you see how little can change a lot?

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