Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Winner Stands Alone

"The Winner Stands Alone", is a new novel by the international best selling author, and my favorite, Paulo Coelho. For years, I've been reading Paulo Coelho's works of literature. I read his blog, daily; and I've decided to collect ALL of his books, ever written. Just the other day, I was making a list of all of his works, and I put a check mark next to the ones I read/own.
My first book by him, was "Veronika Decides To Die", it was the Portuguese edition. I let someone borrow it, and never got it back. So now I want to buy it again, this time in English; however I do not plan to lend it to anyone. Another interesting fact about how much I love Paulo Coelho's novels, is that I give his books as gifts to my friends, on special occasions, especially if it's their birthday. So far I've given "The Alchemist", "Brida" and "By The River Piedra I Set and Wept", these three are among my favorites. Everyone, is not most people, have heard of at least, "The Alchimist". It is a great book, and I recommend it to people of all ages, especially mature readers. Since, there are some complex definitions and aspects, which only a mature person would be able to understand and put it in perspective.
As for "The Winner Stands Alone", I picked it up at Barnes and Noble about a month ago, and started to read it (I didn't buy it, YET; but I will as soon as I'm done reading "The Witch of Portobello"), the story is a well done description of the harsh, and sometimes misunderstood realities of Hollywood, and all the fame that comes with money, power and the obsession of winning. The little I read, gave me the understanding and it reminded me, that personal power and dreams, can sometimes be envied by others, especially by (believe it or not) friends. And even the fact that we are always trying to succeed and be the winner at all things, can cause great harm to our well being, because if it happens that we lose one time, we will fight ourselves, and condemn ourselves for a very long time. As singer Jill Scott, best said, "everything ain't for everybody". The same applies for winning, no one can win at everything, always; and there come times, when the winner is in fact, standing alone.

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