Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I went to the weekly Binghamton Sitting club aka Meditation club meeting.
For the first time, since the beginning of the semester, I was able to truly concentrate and just feel as if I was in a different world. For the first time, my state of mind was free.
Subsequently, our first "exercise" was to sing...different hymns and beats, all at once; different melodies and sounds, all in different tempo. I felt such a good vibe coming from it. I felt lighter.
Secondly, we had to introduce ourselves and say a word that describes who we are and that starts with the letter of our first name. Mine was Sunshine...This word describes me almost perfectly*.Then, we did the "veil meditation".
.... The instructor, told us to close our eyes, and think of veils that covered our faces/our body. Each veil had it's meaning and a different color.
I'd like to tell you, about my experience, while doing this meditation.
Before I begin, I just would like to point out that I was able to concentrate knowing that none of my friends had gone that day, and that I had to do this, in order to really feel how it is to be a meditative state of being. All of my veils were see-through and light.
The first veil, was colored blue, it represented me being a student. I had to take it off and put it down. I felt as if I had lost a part of me.
Green colored veil meant family, I took it off and I missed my family so much. I wanted to cry; and all the good/bad memories rushed into to my mind. I missed those who have departed from this world more than ever. I wish I could see them for a last time.
Next, we had to take the veil that represented friends, for me that was a red color. I felt so relieved, liberated; I felt as if I don't to prove anything to anyone.
My future was colored white, I was happy to know I have plans for the future, for my tomorrow. Plans of being a greater person, of walking my talk, of going places, meeting people, achieving peace where there's war.....of meditating at a Buddhist monastery in Tibet. All of these plans, and many others are part of my dreams, my future.
Second to last, I had to take the veil of self, off. I did it, I put it down carefully. I promised myself that I would take care of myself more, that I would enrich myself with positivism and realism.
Lastly, I had to let my body go...I felt as if I was dissolving. That's when I started dancing, my body started to wiggle, All in all, I felt freer than ever before.
Meditation veil: I did it, I like it, and I recommend it.

If you would like to know more information about different types of meditation. I recommend this site. It is great. http://www.spiritualnow.com/articles/20/1/The-Different-Types-of-Meditation/Page1.html

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